Fachwissen zu allen Erneuerbaren Energien

Dr  Wolf Friedrich Spieth

Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer, Environment Planning and Regulatory

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Schwerpunkte: mining activities,
chemical parks,
offshore windenergy
paper mills,
power plants,
waste incinerators,

Aktuelle Tätigkeit:Wolf is a Berlin based Partner of Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer. He advises national and international clients on potentially controversial legal issues on major energy and industrial projects. From offshore windparks, refineries and power plants to large mining activities and paper mills, he brings decades of hands-on experience to the table. He draws on this to help his clients navigate the often complex waters of environmental regulation, public participation procedures and major administrative law cases.

As co-chair of the firm’s global low carbon energy group, Wolf and his team are at the forefront of developments in energy projects, new regulation and all matters relating to carbon economy. By bringing knowhow, technical capability and highly-developed tactical skills to his dealings with global players and governments, he has become a lynchpin for projects with a significant environmental component.

Frühere Tätigkeit:Since 2006 managing partner of the firm’s office in the German capital
From 2002 to 2007 head of the Firm´s global environment, planning and regulatory practice group, which comprises more than 120 lawyers in 12 offices.

Ausbildung:He completed his legal education at the universities of Tübingen and Freiburg and holds the degree of Doctor of Laws (Dr iur) from the University of Freiburg

Mitgliedschaften:member of editorial boards of Carbon & Climate Law Review and the Journal for European Environmental & Planning Law

Fachbeiträge: Das Verschlechterungsverbot im Fokus der Gerichte (8/2013)

'Wärmeklau' durch Geothermie - technische und rechtliche Aspekte (10/2009)

The Implementation of the EU ETS Directive in the EU Member States in the Light of the German National Allocation Plan (4/2005)

Emissionshandel – Rechtsfragen der Ausübung des Optionsrechts des § 7 Abs. 12 ZuG 2007 (12/2004)

Emission trading - legal questions arising by the option of § 7 Abs. 12 ZuG 2007 (12/2004)


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