Biogas from Municipal and Agricultural Bioorganic Waste: Renewable Energy for China

China became in 2005 the world’s largest coal consumer and second largest user of mineral oil and electricity. The Energy demand in China makes the country already to the second largest CO2 producer worldwide (3,540m t CO2 in 2003) and it’s going to surpass the US in 2009, even though China's per capita CO2 emissions will still be only
three-fifths of the average in industrialised countries in 2030.

The politically recognised drivers to develop renewable energies in China are the constantly growing energy demand in parallel with the need to replace fossil energy and the aspect of climate change and global warming prevention. The potential renewable energy  sources are wide spread, but the availability is restricted. For biogas generation from biomass NDRC considers energy crops, agricultural waste, landfills and sewage sludge. Within this mix of resources bioorganic municipal waste (BMW) is underestimated, as its biogas potential is at least one fourth of the target for feed-in-grid biogas energy in 2020.

Copyright: © Wasteconsult International
Quelle: MBT 2007 (Mai 2007)
Seiten: 18
Preis: € 9,00
Autor: Prof. Dr. habil. Bernhard Raninger
Prof.Dr. Youcai Zhao
Ji Rong
Li Aimin
Prof. Dr. Ing. habil. Werner Bidlingmaier
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