Consequences of the pre-treatment of municipal solid waste on the landfill operation and landfill construction

As a result of the mechanical-biological pre-treatment of waste far-reaching changes arise in the deposition behaviour, for the landfill construction and the landfill operation by the change of the physical properties of the waste compared to fresh waste.

MBT, physical properties, landfill operation, landfill construction

However by the mechanical pre-treatment a substantial change takes place with regard to the maximum piece size of the residues which is reduced clearly. In consequence the landfill body will exhibit a higher homogeneity in comparison to the past, which causes positively effects to the long-term landfill behaviour. At the same time the mechanical pre-treatment causes a clear increase of the attainable emplacement density of the wastes as well as a change of the settlement and strength behaviour and thus also the stability of the landfill construction. In relation to fresh waste the MBT-residues generally uniformly and smaller settlements will arise. By the withdrawal of the high calorific value particles, which consists almost only of fibres and foils, a stability reserve is lost to the MBT-residues almost completely, which was presupposed in particular with the past construction of slopes under operating conditions. This fact must be considered particularly by landfill operators, because the slope inclinations are here often higher than in the approved final state. The higher compaction leads to larger loads at the landfill basis. The landfill foundation and the drainage system are to be dimensioned for the increased loads. If necessary the height of the landfill body is to be adapted. The higher density leads to a lower hydraulic conductivity and may cause the additional problem to the stability by the development of pore water pressure. Also the behaviour concerning the leachate emissions is clearly changed. It is to be counted on smaller leachate volumes at the landfill basis, while a discharge of surface runoff, which hardly arose in the past landfill operation with untreated wastes, is to be expected. The emplacement behaviour and deposit behaviour of the wastes will differ due to these changes also in many points from the experiences of the past with the operation of municipal solid waste landfills.

Copyright: © European Compost Network ECN e.V.
Quelle: Orbit 2006 (September 2006)
Seiten: 10
Preis: € 5,00
Autor: Dipl.-Ing. Jan Bauer
Dr.-Ing. Kai Münnich
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Klaus Fricke
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