Optimal Compost Marketing in a professional Regional Soil System

After the main focus of today's lectures aimed on a scientific and fundamental background I feel it's now my task to combine the topic of compost utilisation with the practice of compost marketing. It must be considered that such a lecture, on account of its shortness, cannot fully outline the utilisation and marketing systems. Therefore my contribution is dedicated to show you an innovative approach to add a special value to composts for the marketing which is based on the upgrading of composts into potting soils and substrates according to regional markets needs. This approach, the so called Floratop® Regional Soil System, reveals the potentials in cases where compost utilisation is carried out with the emphasis on sale revenues and image and not following the motto "the highest subvention creates the most simple compost utilisation".

• Composts are normally products from the point of view of the market
• Additonally, composts are renewable resources for a broad range of demanded humus products
• The upgrading of compost and the regional marketing are a good basis for a successful marketing of yard and biowaste composts particularly with regard to the advantages for the individual composting plant, the ecology and the national economy.

Copyright: © European Compost Network ECN e.V.
Quelle: Orbit 2006 (September 2006)
Seiten: 3
Preis: € 1,50
Autor: Dipl.-Ing. Ralf Gottschall
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