Assessment of the degree of sanitization in compost by analysing temperature data using a new sanitization equation

Standards defining the requirements for compost sanitization vary throughout Europe, but they are all inflexible in that they call for a fixed temperature-time exposure to prove pathogen kill. Time required for pathogen kill decreases logarithmically with increase in temperature as does the death rate of tomato seeds, which is shown to be also dependent on seed moisture content. This relationship is demonstrated and a correlation (R² = 0,989) between eradication time, temperature level and moisture content is given.

The death points of tomato seeds have been investigated over a range of moisture contents of the seeds (5.5 to 30 %) with an increasing temperature profile, in order to investigate the cumulative effects on eradication of the non isothermal exposures that naturally exist in composting processes. The accuracy of the predicted death points on the basis of non isothermal temperature curves is demonstrated. Because it is possible to improve the heat tolerance of tomato seeds by reducing the moisture content of the seeds, the heat tolerance of tomato seeds can be raised up to a level that is equivalent to the heat tolerance of the most resistant pathogens. Correlating the heat tolerance of pathogens and tomato seeds makes it possible to estimate the kill of pathogens on the basis of the eradication of tomato seeds, which can be forecasted on the basis of temperature data. The method of estimating the sanitizing effect on the basis of a temperature curve of a composting process has also been explained. The question of what standard level of heat resistance is necessary to prove sanitization is still to be agreed.

Copyright: © European Compost Network ECN e.V.
Quelle: Orbit 2006 (September 2006)
Seiten: 8
Preis: € 4,00
Autor: Dr.-Ing. Martin Idelmann
J. Pickering
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