The occurrence of methylated arsenic compounds during aerobic and anaerobic biological waste treatment – potential sources of pollution ?

Organometal(oid)s became subject of major environmental interest in the last few decades with the knowledge about the high toxicity of these compounds. Former research showed, that the biosynthesis of these substances can be found in nearly all compartments of the environment, with different rates of production depending e.g. on redox potential or the bio availability of the metal(loid)s.

Especially anaerobic compartments with a high microbiological activity are known for biomethylation, but latest results proofed methylation also for composting. By this knowledge the question arose, if methylated arsenic compounds generated in both aerobic and anaerobic biological waste treatment can be emitted to the environment in relevant concentrations. For this reason the biological waste treatment was investigated regarding to the occurrence and synthesis of methylated arsenic. Concentrations of methylated arsenic and methylation rates have been determined in waste storage as well as in waste treatment plants, also in laboratory experiments to get a better understanding of the process of methylation and to identify potential maximum rates. The results show, that methylated arsenic appears in all stages of biological waste treatment. The rate of methylation seems to depend on the way of storage and the bio availability respectively the chemical form. Methylation rates from 0,01 to 13 % were found.

Copyright: © European Compost Network ECN e.V.
Quelle: Orbit 2006 (September 2006)
Seiten: 6
Preis: € 3,00
Autor: Dr.-Ing. Maren Raabe
Alfred V. Hirner
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Renatus Widmann
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