Total costs of ownership - a comparison between incineration plant and landfill placed in the metropolian area of Sao Paulo

Lecture to the study which offers a decision support for executives, who compare in a draft both systems according
to the method of Total Costs of Ownership (TCO), regarding the total life time and including the
aftercare of landfill.

Description of the proceeding to calculate the TCO of an incineration plant and a landfill.

Investments and operational costs of the landfill and the incineration plant are described and the results of the calculation are shown and interpreted.

All data and calculation are available in the study "Total costs of ownership: Comparison Incineration Plant - Landfill"

Copyright: © Technical Co-Operation Project Bavaria-Sao Paulo
Quelle: June 2006 (Juni 2006)
Seiten: 21
Preis: € 0,00
Autor: Dipl.-Ing.(TU) Werner P. Bauer
Dr.-Ing. Thomas König
Dipl.-Ing.; Dipl. Wirtschafts.-Ing. Wolfgang Scholz
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