ZAK technology - trial operation findings

From January 2001 to December 2003, the “Zweckverband Abfallbehandlung Kahlenberg“ (ZAK, Association for Waste Treatment Kahlenberg) operated a demonstration plant for mechanical-biological waste treatment (MBT) of waste residuals according to ZAK technology. This technology was developed by the ZAK at the Kahlenberg landfill site, supported by funding from the Baden-Württemberg Ministry for Environment and Traffic. The project was scientifically surveyed by the authors.
Based on the successful trial project findings, ZAK technology is now applied on the site in full scale with a throughput rate of 100,000 Mg/a. For this purpose, the ZAK received EU funding as part of the LIFE Environment Programme.
In the following, the most important demonstration plant findings, which were considered in the full-scale execution, will be briefly outlined. The trial operation produced comprehensive data on mass balances, energy balances, and process behaviour.
With ZAK technology, a special technique has been developed, facilitating the production of refuse-derived fuel with a favourable energy balance that meets high-quality requirements. Since this technology is technically and economically feasible, it is now being implemented on a large scale.

Copyright: © Verlag Abfall aktuell
Seiten: 13
Preis: € 6,00
Autor: Prof. Dr.-Ing Gerhard Rettenberger
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