Landfill and long term emission behaviour of mbp-waste

By mechanical-biological pretreatment (MBP) of residual waste it is possible to lower the landfill emissions in the form of gas and leachate to a large extent.

Depending on the duration and the treatment procedure, degradation rates up to 80 % of organic dried solid matter are possible.The organic load contained in the leachate of the pretreated residual waste can be reduced by more than 90 %. By intensive MBP of RSW it is possible to reduce the gas production and, with this, the gas emission of landfills by c. 90 %. Another advantage of MBP is to improve the compactability of the waste, storage densities of 1.0 Mg ds/m³ are achievable. The water permeability of the material is considerably reduced. Therefore a new conception of a MBP landfill is proposed, - the landfill site as a “barrier landfill ” impermeable to water.

Copyright: © European Compost Network ECN e.V.
Quelle: ORBIT 2003 (Mai 2003)
Seiten: 10
Preis: € 5,00
Autor: Dr.-Ing. Tanja Scheelhaase
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