Comparison of the N-Contents of substrates during composting in facilities working with different technologies

Nitrogen (N) plays an important role in compost quality. To increase attractiveness of composts, it is necessary to adapt N- content and composition to the specific demands. The behaviour of N during composting was investigated focusing on the type of composting facility.

A Windrow facility represented an open process without active aeration. As enclosed systems with active aeration Pile, Container and Tunnel facilities were selected. In the different systems composting times and process regulation did vary. As substrates different organic or municipal solid waste were used. The total and the inorganic N-contents of substrates before, during and after composting will be presented. The input materials had an influence on the N-dynamics depending on their Ncontents and their history regarding collection, storage and pre-treatment. The total N-contents did change during composting mostly in a way that they increased at the beginning and later decreased. How fast this increase and decrease did occur was depending on the facility type. Responsible for this tendencies were substrate degradation, N-releases and N-additions. Ammonification processes took place in all composting processes but with very different tendencies ranging from constant over decreasing to alternating. Impacts might be the substrate pre-treatment, the time of composting, the process type, the process regulation, and the initial N content of substrate. In the compost ammonium and partly nitrate did occur. Nitrate was only present in matured composts. The investigations showed, that the inorganic N-content and -composition may change during storage of compost. To produce tailor-made composts an influence on the N-releases should be taken during intensive rotting depending, if an N-rich or N-poor compost should be produced. The fine adjustments regarding the inorganic N-content should be carried out shortly before application.

Copyright: © European Compost Network ECN e.V.
Quelle: ORBIT 2003 (Mai 2003)
Seiten: 13
Preis: € 6,50
Autor: PD Dr. Ing. habil. Ina Körner
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Rainer Stegmann
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