Concepts for a decentralized treatment of waste and wastewater

Integrated concepts for the decentralized treatment of waste and wastewater are more and more considered. The reason for this approach is – amongst others - the knowledge that resources are limited and that solutions should address aspects of sustainability.

This paper presents the background and examples for the realization of such an approach. As a basis for these innovative concepts selected test results will be presented. The goal is the substance-specific treatment of the different wastewater- and waste components combined with closed-loop cycle of the remaining solid and liquid substances. This approach is an alternative for specific situations to the actual “end-of-pipe-principle” very often requiring a long distance waste and sewage transport to central treatment plants. When decentralized treatment systems are used long expensive sewers and transportations can be avoided and the organic waste (kitchen and yard waste) and different wastewater components can be treated substance specifically. Examples for the future application of such concepts are decentralized hotels, educational centres, new living quarters, etc. especially in those areas that are water deficient.
KEYWORDS: decentralized concepts; anaerobic treatment; membrane filtration; black water

Copyright: © European Compost Network ECN e.V.
Quelle: ORBIT 2003 (Mai 2003)
Seiten: 11
Preis: € 5,50
Autor: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Rainer Stegmann
Dipl.-Ing. Jörn Heerenklage
Dr.-Ing. Marco Ritzkowski
Dipl.-Ing. Dorothea Rechtenbach
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