Comparison of the SRI and DR4 biodegradation test methods for assessing the biodegradability of untreated and MBT treated municipal solid waste

The Environment Agency of England and Wales has sponsored research into evaluating organic waste biodegradability test methods for monitoring the diversion of biodegradable waste from landfill following treatment by MBT and other processes. The methods that were subsequently selected for this application were the aerobic DR4 and the anaerobic BM100 tests.

A round robin laboratory evaluation of the DR4 and SRI methods carried out using organic wastes from an MBT plant indicated that the DR4 method may be more reliable than the SRI method for measuring the biodegradability of some partially composted wastes. It is thought that the use of a microbial seed (mature greenwaste compost) in the DR4 method might have contributed to the increased reliability. A modification of the SRI test with respect to also using a seed indicated that this would increase the reliability of the SRI for fresh or only partially degraded waste as well. Keywords Biodegradability, Biowaste, BM100, BMW, DR4, MSW, MBT, SRI

Copyright: © Wasteconsult International
Quelle: MBT 2005 (November 2005)
Seiten: 11
Preis: € 5,50
Autor: Andrew R. Godley
Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang Müller
Jim Frederickson
Heather Barcker
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