Practical experience with MBT in emerging nations – Example Brazil

Wilhelm Faber GmbH is part of the Faber Group and has operated successfully in the market for many years. By applying our expertise and know-how, we plan, build and operate technical plants and projects. We are especially concerned with the protection of natural resources and the environment. One problem in our consumer society requires a particularly urgent solution: The environmentally sound treatment of the waste masses.

Uncontrolled or inadequately treated waste endangers the health of the population and the environment. A great part of the waste we produce cannot be commercially reused and ecologically recycled. This waste endangers our natural resources such as the soul, the ground water and the atmosphere. Against the background of these problems and a growing environmental awareness, well-ordered waste management with an adapted, environmentally-suited waste disposal solution at reasonable cost becomes significant. Through a thorough pre-treatment of waste the technical requirements for a controlled waste sedimentation are reduced thereby lowering environmental pollution of waste dumps. The mechanical-biological waste treatment of the FABER-AMBRA® process ensures an environmentally friendly, flexible alternative at reasonable cost and with the least technical resources. Due to its great flexibility, the FABER-AMBRA® process can be implemented even in fast-developing nations and third world countries without problems, taking local economical situations into consideration.

Copyright: © Wasteconsult International
Quelle: MBT 2005 (November 2005)
Seiten: 9
Preis: € 4,50
Autor: Christiane Dias Pereira
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