Remscheid pilot project: Evaluation of a large scale trial of utilizing biodegradable waste bags for biowaste collection and treatment.

To evaluate the utilization of biowaste bags of biodegradable polymers in biowaste collection IGW Ingenieurgemeinschaft Witzenhausen Fricke & Turk GmbH conducted a practical trial, considering various aspects relevant to waste management, in cooperation with the City of Remscheid Waste Management Company.

The trial was supported financially and by providing the biodegradable waste bags by the following companies: BASF AG, Bayer AG, Biotec Biologische Naturverpackungen GmbH & Co. KG, Melitta Haushaltsprodukte GmbH & Co. KG, Natura Verpackungs GmbH and Novamont GmbH. The trial was conducted in a residential area of 2,000 households of dense building structure in the City of Remscheid. Fifty percent of the households were supplied with biodegradable waste bags and were informed by a public awareness campaign. The remaining households were taken as a comparison, they collected their biowaste as usual (reference area). The influence of biodegradable waste bags on the general acceptance of separate biowaste collection among the population was determined by a survey.

The impact on biowaste quantity and quality was determined by performing biowaste analyses. Providing biodegradable waste bags had a positive impact on public acceptance of biowaste collection. The people concerned found the biowaste collection in the household easier and more convenient. After introduction of the bags, the relevant households collected significantly more biowaste than in the reference area. Since public awareness campaigns were run successfully the degree of contamination of the biowaste was not negatively influenced by the utilization of products that look similar to conventional plastics.

Copyright: © European Compost Network ECN e.V.
Quelle: Wolfsburg 2000 (September 2000)
Seiten: 12
Preis: € 6,00
Autor: Dipl.-Ing. Thomas Turk
Dr.-Ing. Martin Idelmann
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Klaus Fricke
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