Comparison of test systems for the determination of biodegradability of organic materials under anaerobic conditions.

The determination of the biodegradability of organic substances is of crucial importance for the product launch and for the disposal of these products. Biodegradable materials can be treated under aerobic as well as under anaerobic conditions.

The investigation of biodegradability under aerobic environment conditions alone is not sufficient, for there are some materials, which are biodegradable under aerobic conditions, but an anaerobic biodegradation cannot be observed to the same extent. This is to be examined by use of standardised test methods. For the determination of the biodegradability under anaerobic conditions bench scale studies were carried out using on two different test systems respecting the ISO CD 14853. These were then compared. On the one hand gas production was measured with an Eudiometer using the principle of displacement volume, in the second test system gas production was measured via determination of gas pressure. Materials tested were Polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB), Poly-e-caprolacton (PCL) and EcoflexÆÊ. The assessment of the degree of biodegradability was carried out via determination of the gas production. The examinations have demonstrated, that with both test systems comparable results can be achieved.

KEYWORDS: anaerobic biodegradation, biodegradability, bench-scale system, analytical method

Copyright: © European Compost Network ECN e.V.
Quelle: Wolfsburg 2000 (September 2000)
Seiten: 8
Preis: € 4,00
Autor: Dipl.-Ing. Jörn Heerenklage
Franceska Colombo
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Rainer Stegmann
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