Biodegradable materials: Analysis of their relevance to waste management

Mounting environmental and legislative pressure for reducing waste, especially plastic and packaging waste are some of the factors that leading to an increased demand for biodegradable polymers. The purpose of this study is the assessment and evaluation of biodegradable plastic in the light of waste management.

It analyses different aspects influencing the application of biodegradable plastics respectively the diversity of substitutional possibilities. The main target was to find many criteria, which are helping to decide if the application of biodegradable plastics is ingenious for specially purposes or not. These criteria mark only such aspects dealing with the waste management directly or influencing disposal and waste recovering or recycling structures. The establishment of a relatively objective assessment-scheme was only possible through knowledge of, and de-tailed registration of the life-cycle of the product. It was necessary to analyse each phase separately, in order to determine whether, what kind of, and to what extent, waste management measures should be taken and what consequences would ensue. The sum-total of significant criteria which were found were summarized in an „assessment scheme of the relevance of substitution by biodegradable plastic with regard to waste-disposal problems“. Only those criteria were considered which showed relevance to the problems of disposal- and utilization-management as a whole. The assessment-scheme gives a possibility to estimate and to compare two similar products. One consists of a classical material, for instance plastics and the another one of a biodegradable material.

Copyright: © European Compost Network ECN e.V.
Quelle: Wolfsburg 2000 (September 2000)
Seiten: 12
Preis: € 6,00
Autor: Dr.-Ing. Ludwig Streff
Jörg Möbius
Prof. Dr. Ing. habil. Werner Bidlingmaier
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