Possibilities of Process Optimization in Municipal Solid Waste Incineration Plants by an Online Balancing Program

In municipal solid waste incineration plants (MSWI) there are varying waste compositions at the feeding system of the plant and changing energy output (district heating and steam). Consequently, different process conditions arise.

The optimization of these plants requires - according to the actual operating condition - detailed material, mass and energy balances, as well as further information about operational behaviour (e. g. corrosion). The newest MSWI plants are equipped with measuring process control systems delivering enough process data to allow online balancing for the different single units and, consequently, also for the overall process.

Such a detailed description of the actual state of MSWI-plants is not yet available. However, with such a tool of online balancing (also referred to as feed forward control) the operational staff will initially be able to optimize the overall process manually.

Objectives of this manual optimization are, for instance, the increase of overall energy efficiency, the saving of additional materials, longer operating period and, consequently, the improvement of economic operation and results.

In this paper the development of an online balance program, its connection to the process control system of the MSWI-plant Schwandorf in Bavaria/Germany, and the valuation of the obtained results are described. At first the fundamental basics of the balancing (method) are explained.

The illustration of the current operational state with the help of an online balance program in the waste incineration plants Schwandorf, Burgkirchen and Coburg is done in the project “EU 24 – Effectiveness of Waste Incineration Plants; Technical, Ecological and Economic Optimization.” This project, with the further project partners of the three plants in Schwandorf, Burgkirchen and Coburg, as well as the plant engineering/construction company in Munich (Martin GmbH für Energie- und Umwelttechnik München), is being supported by the State of Bavaria Department of Health, Environment and Consumer Protection as part of EU infrastructure funding for regional development (EFRE).

Copyright: © Bauhaus Universität Weimar - Lehrstuhl für Verfahren und Umwelt
Quelle: Vorträge (November 2005)
Seiten: 16
Preis: € 8,00
Autor: Professor Dr.-Ing. Michael Beckmann
Dr.-Ing. Martin Horeni
Dr. Jörg Metschke
Dr. Jörg Krüger
Georg Papa
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