Klimaresilienter Städtebau

Instrumente, Chancen und Hindernisse bei der Klimaanpassungsplanung

Beyond countering climate change, questions of climate adaptation have gained increasing significance. Extremely hot summers and decreasing rainfall over several years, coupled with the flood disaster of July 2021, show that cities and towns are ill-equipped to meet increasing extreme weather events. There is, for instance, a need to prevent urban heat islands, to ensure sufficient air exchange, and to prevent flood hazards. Urban planning and water legislation already provide useful instruments, albeit they require further development. It is also necessary to raise awareness about climateadapted construction among public officials.

Prof. Dr. Armin von Weschpfennig

Copyright: © Lexxion Verlagsgesellschaft mbH
Quelle: EurUp 04/2023 (Dezember 2023)
Seiten: 12
Preis: € 32,00
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