Interrelationships between pre-processing and subsequent procedures in the recycling of lithium-ion batteries

The recycling of lithium-ion batteries is currently a very present topic in the field of research but also in the industry. New developments for the recovery of valuable metals from spent LIBs indicate a clear trend towards hydrometallurgical concepts. In this context, especially the pre-treatment plays an essential role.

 If organic compounds remain in the material or the cathode and anode materials are insufficiently separated from the conductor foils, this can lead to massive process complications in the subsequent hydrometallurgical procedures. Therefore, ATM Recyclingsystems GmbH together with the Chair of Nonferrous Metallurgy of the Montanuniversitaet Leoben develops and tests the adaptation and improvement of the recycling possibilities of spent lithium-ion batteries for a subsequent hydrometallurgical processing. Special focus is placed on the utilization of synergy effects and the cooperation of pre-processing and metallurgical methods, since only through this combination an efficient and economical way for the recovery of valuable metals can be established. For this purpose, the comparison of different pre-processing devices for the optimal preparation of the active material from spent lithium-ion batteries for subsequent further processing is carried out. By improving the entire procedures, the recovery efficiencies for the contained valuable metals such as cobalt, nickel and lithium can be significantly increased, the metallurgical processes optimized and thus the raw material cycle closed. This is a significant contribution to environmental and climate protection, especially in view of the criticality of the elements addressed. Through the know-how in engineering of the partner companies ATM Recyclingsystems GmbH as well as LITech GmbH and the claim of a holistic solution for the long-term supply of the European Union with critical raw materials through recycling, a significant optimization in the field of recovery of valuable metals from spent lithiumion batteries can thus be realized.

Copyright: © Lehrstuhl für Abfallverwertungstechnik und Abfallwirtschaft der Montanuniversität Leoben
Quelle: Recy & Depotech 2022 (November 2022)
Seiten: 8
Preis: € 4,00
Autor: Dipl.-Ing. Eva Gerold
Andreas Anbauer
Mag. Alexander Kügele
Prof.Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Helmut Antrekowitsch
Klaus Ebenauer
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