Development of Waste Management in the Arab Region

The Department of Waste Management and Material Flow of the University of Rostock has been active in Arab countries for over 20 years, and has initiated, carried out and scientifically supervised numerous projects. Waste management and material flow is an important theme in the field of German development cooperation in the MENA regions and has gained in significance in recent years.

The current set of issues and suggestions for improvement are the optimisation of waste collection and the introduction of appropriate treatment concepts, for example, but notlimited to, the automatized biological treatment of residual waste. In the Arab regionthe trend is moving away from the production of compost from mixed waste collectionand towards the production of substitute fuels for the cement industry. In Jordan,Tunisia and Egypt appropriate MBA-projects are planned. In these regions only simpleMBA-concepts with treatment costs of circa 25 to 30 EUR/Mg can be implemented.Waste to Energy is an appropriate concept for the Gulf States. The necessary technicaland financial framework must be clarified. The sustainability of the projects, which will be financed by international donors, is a current theme and can only be achieved through the integration of local infrastructure, such as universities, vocational training centres, local engineering firms and waste disposal contractors.

Copyright: © TK Verlag - Fachverlag für Kreislaufwirtschaft
Quelle: Waste Management, Volume 6 (September 2016)
Seiten: 10
Preis: € 0,00
Autor: Dr.-Ing. Abdallah Nassour
Prof. Dr. Michael Nelles
Ayman Elnaas
Engineer Safwat Hemidat
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