Enhancing of the Energy Efficiency of an Existing Waste Incineration Plant by Retrofitting with a District Heating Network

The German Cycle Economy Act (Kreislaufwirtschaftsgesetz KrWG) and discussions on the turn of local energy policies led to intensive examination of options for optimising utilisation of heat produced by the waste incineration plant (MKW) in Weißenhorn. This has been carried out by the waste management firm(Abfallwirtschaftsbetrieb - AWB) of the district of Neu-Ulm over a long period of time. This was also prompted by knowledge that utilisation of already generated energy in the form of combined heat and power generation (CHP) is one of the most efficient ways of achieving climate protection targets. This results from considering which courses of action are available for climate protection.

The district (Landkreis) of Neu-Ulm is located in the west of the Swabian administrative region in Bavaria, on the border with Baden-Württemberg. It extends south of the River Danube over an area of 51,586 ha and in 2015 had 168,471 residents. Landkreis Neu-Ulm has set itself the task of making the region’s energy supply sustainable. The objective is to guarantee future energy supply at affordable prices, and in a resource-efficient and environmentally compatible way, thus taking into account climate protection. An integrated climate protection concept (IKK) was drawn up by 2012, from which the initial situation, objectives and courses of action are detailed in order to push ahead with the turn of energy policies in the Landkreis. This is precisely where the problem of territorial authorities in handling climate protection concepts kicks in: Which direct options for action are there for the Landkreis, apart from all controlling and motivating measures, which can also be actually implemented?

Copyright: © TK Verlag - Fachverlag für Kreislaufwirtschaft
Quelle: Waste Management, Volume 6 (September 2016)
Seiten: 19
Preis: € 0,00
Autor: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang Rommel
Thorsten Freudenberger
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Markus Hertel
Thomas Moritz
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