Solid Waste Management (SWM) is a very challenging activity all over the world, especially with the rising world population, the growth in industrialisation and the expansion of urbanisation. Land scarcity and environmental and public health implications are raising serious concerns on the landfilling of solid waste as a disposal route. It is, therefore becoming exceedingly urgent, for the Arab region, to develop and implement disposal methods for MSW that is cost effective and environmentally sustainable.
There are many complex challenges facing the solid waste management in the Arab region, such as rapid population growth, lack of strategic planning, limited waste collection services, lack of proper disposal methods, the use of inappropriate technology and inadequate financing. In order to create an effective SWM system in that region, these challenges must be addressed imminently.
It is worth mentioning that an effective SWM system is one which incorporates several activities and treatment methods as well as the use of a range of proven technologies as part of an integrated sustainable waste management solution (ISWM). The main objective of such SWM system should be the protection of public health and the environment.
The aim of this paper is to examine the treatment practices of MSW in the Arab region, in order to suggest possible alternatives treatment which could be adopted and implemented locally.
The performance of biological drying process of solid waste, by forced aerated windrow composting/stabilization, was investigated as part of a pilot scale experiments which was carried out in Tunisia (the stabilization process of the fine material is not discussed in this paper). Furthermore, the economic feasibility and financial risk of the project proposal is evaluated by carrying out a capacity analysis.
Copyright: | © Thomé-Kozmiensky Verlag GmbH |
Quelle: | Waste Management, Volume 5 (Dezember 2015) |
Seiten: | 12 |
Preis: | € 0,00 |
Autor: | Ayman Elnaas Dr.-Ing. Abdallah Nassour Prof. Dr. Michael Nelles |
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