Conversion of the MBT plant at Gescher into a combined residual and organic waste treatment plant

The Waste Management Company Westmünsterland 'EGW†has a mechanical biological waste treatment plant (MBT-plant) for the pretreatment of residual waste in preparation to its disposal in landfills, which was put in operation in 2000. The MBT plant was converted in 2005 to meet new legal requirements. A regenerative thermal oxidizer (RTO) has been added to the biofilter for thermal exhaust air treatment and the tunnel composting was supplemented by an aerated windrow composting unit. Since 2012, theMBT plant was converted towards the biological treatment of separately collected organic waste.

The prerequisites for this step were created by cooperative Agreements between the districts of Borken and Recklinghausen and the city of Dortmund. The responsibility for the treatment of separately collected organic waste was transferred by the city of Dortmund and the district of Recklinghausen has been to the district of Borken, which delegated the task to its affiliated company, the EGW. By processing contingents from Dortmund, 50 per cent of the MBT plants were converted towards the treatment of organic waste in 2012. In 2014, a full conversion of the treatment of the organic waste was achieved, as additional organic waste was accrued from the district of Recklinghausen. Due to these changes, the RTO could be decommissioned. In future the exhaust air will be cleaned by the present biofilter. Since 2014, the residual waste from the district of Borken is only subjected to mechanical treatment and subdivided into high- and low-calorific fractions for thermal recovery in RDF (Refuse Derived Fuels) plants and incineration plants.

Copyright: © Wasteconsult International
Quelle: Waste-to-Resources 2015 (Mai 2015)
Seiten: 9
Preis: € 4,50
Autor: Dr.-Ing. Martin Idelmann
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