Increase of Functionality and Energy Efficiency in Organic Waste Recovery

Besides the basic types of process technology and process control, a number of overlapping parameters influence biogas production. The specific quality of fermenter Input is especially significant, such as regional variations in material quality and the Proportion of kitchen waste. The current survey could not provide adequately satisfactory underlying data, especially on material-specific influences. Plants do not uniformly determine the quantity of biogas that they produce. Some of them directly measure the gas flow and some calculate backwards indirectly from the amount of power generated. The latter methodology is expected to yield significant amounts of misinformation affected by the availability of combined heat and power (CHP) plants. The evaluation did not reflect unusually low biogas yields that respondents clearly blamed on operating problems not relating to the process.

The effective use of biogenic residues makes an important contribution towards resourceconservation and climate protection. These residues include biomass productsgenerated alongside the actual product as by-products, residue or waste or wastewaterin different sectors of the economy. In this context, a research project entitled 'RaisingEnergy Efficiency in the Recovery of Biogenic Residues†(FKZ-Nr.: 03KB022) investigatedthe energy efficiency of treatment and recovery technologies currently used forbiogenic residues and identified potential for optimisation.The R&D project determined the status quo and potential to develop and optimise thedigestion of solid waste streams, such as biowaste, green waste and residual waste.This work focused on material flow management, design and technology. Optimisationsthat have been developed and already put into practice by individual facilities served asa primary source of data.This data also helped to explore whether the different technologies and process controlsin use for fermentation varied efficiency in energy provision, offering approaches for optimisation.This presentation also depicts trends in recent years with the goal of deriving potential future trends in plant technology and process control.

Copyright: © Wasteconsult International
Quelle: Waste-to-Resources 2015 (Mai 2015)
Seiten: 25
Preis: € 0,00
Autor: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Klaus Fricke
Dipl.-Ing. Thomas Turk
Dipl. -Ing. Axel Hüttner
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