Material-specific waste treatment as an integrated component of RETech export

The German Recycling Technologies and Waste Management Partnership e.V. was established at the end of 2011 as a result of the Recycling and Efficiency Technology Initiative of the Federal Ministry of the Environment. RETech activities are focused on the promotion of applying sustainable environmental technology of German Recycling abroad. RETech supports all areas of waste management. German knowhow and German technology can help to improve the situation of waste management worldwide. By the example of Arab states and the PRC, this paper briefly outlines the status of waste management and points out the potential for German manufacturers and consultants.

The waste management industry must increasingly align itself to the provisions of sustainable resource and climate protection goals. One of the central global tasks of the future in this field is the ensuring of a sustainable - in other words economically, ecologically and socially sound - supply of raw materials and energy. The waste industry can make an important contribution in both fields. In Germany a positive interim Balance can be drawn here. Especially the positive ecological effects of the avoidance, utilisation and disposal of waste have been confirmed by numerous scientific studies. In Germany the recycling industry now makes a significant contribution to climate protection, whereas in many developing and emerging countries around 10 to 15 per cent of the climate-relevant emissions come from waste-industry processes. The construction of modern waste and recycling management therefore makes a significant contribution to the solving of these global future Tasks.

Copyright: © Wasteconsult International
Quelle: Waste-to-Resources 2015 (Mai 2015)
Seiten: 14
Preis: € 7,00
Autor: Dipl. Ing. Karin Opphard
Dr.-Ing. Abdallah Nassour
Prof. Dr. Michael Nelles
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