Open windrow composting manual

In times when mineral fertilizer is not available or too expensive, compost is the most important source to provide nutrients for the plants and to adjust the soil conditions. Today many people appreciate compost as a natural source for nutrients and humus.
To compost materials means also to close the natural circle of life. This manual tries to give a helping hand in designing and maintaining a composting plant in economically developing countries.

To adjust the process of maturation the understanding of the basic principles during the composting process is necessary.
This handbook gives knowledge about the adjustment of this natural process in a composting plant by optimizing the natural conditions, the process of composting, the design of a composting plant, the monitoring of the process, facts about trouble-shooting, etc.
The monitoring of the composting process is very important to provide optimal conditions in the windrow and to get a good and useful product, the compost.
The composting manual consists of the following three Levels:
1. Basic Level

2. Advanced Level

3. Research Level

Copyright: © Bauhaus-Universität Weimar - Professur für Abfallwirtschaft
Quelle: ORBIT Edition 2008 (Dezember 2008)
Seiten: 68
Preis: € 15,00
Autor: Carsten Bachert
Prof. Dr. Ing. habil. Werner Bidlingmaier
Prof. Dr. Suraphong Wattanachira
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