Old landfills: Anthropogenic resources or reserves?

The overall objective of this study is to apply a primary resource classification framework to a landfill mining project in order to identify the whole landfill and its contained materials either as anthropogenic resources or reserves.

An evaluation oflandfilled materials with special focus on technological options and economicswas carried out for an enhanced landfill mining (ELFM) case study in Belgium, aproject aiming not only to stabilize the waste materials but to fully valorizethe various waste streams either as material or as energy (ELFM, 2013).

Two models of allrelevant mass flows were set up using the STAN software for Material FlowAnalysis in order to show the quantitative difference between the landfill’stotal resource content and its potential of secondary raw materials beingactually extractable under present technological constraints. The analysisshows that only 45 % are currently recoverable.

Regarding economics,specific landfill mining costs of about 51 EUR / m3 volume were calculated inthe course of a first rough Net Present Value analysis, where subsidies weredeliberately excluded. The choice of the discount rate turned out to be quite influentialfor the overall outcome. This factor together with uncertain input data forcost, prices and recovered quantities will be the subject of more detailedcalculations in the future, allowing more reliable statements about which partof the landfill content is a resource or a reserve.

Copyright: © DGAW - Deutsche Gesellschaft für Abfallwirtschaft e.V.
Quelle: 4. Wissenschaftskongress März 2014 - Münster (März 2014)
Seiten: 6
Preis: € 3,00
Autor: Dr. Andrea Winterstetter
Prof. Dr. David Laner
Professor Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Helmut Rechberger
Ass. Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. techn. Johann Fellner
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