Composting and Fermentation of Biowaste - Contribution to reduce Greenhouse Gases -

Gewitra company carried out R&D project of the German federal environmental agency (UBA) on determining gaseous emissions from different types of large scale Treatment plants for bio waste in Germany: open windrow, in-vessel systems and composting plants with integrated anaerobic digestion step. Measurement data of emission control are VOC (FID), CH4, NH3 and N2O; emission factors and CO2-Equivalents (CH4 factor GWP 25, N2O factor GWP 298) will be calculated as well.

Utilization of bio waste is very popular from the view of resource recovery and regenerative energy production as well. Composting and anaerobic digestion (AD) have become acommon treatment option for bio and garden waste in the European Union. Garden waste composting in windrows is state-of-the-art in all the EU countries and covers about half of the treatment capacity in Germany. Other half of the facilities is turned and aerated in-vessel composting. Some plants are combined with an AD step for producing biogas. In future the amount of organic waste treated by composting is expected to increase in order to recycle the carbon and the nutrients in the waste material. Microbial degradation of organic substrate entails the production of various gases such as carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O) and ammonia (NH3). Some of this gases are classified as greenhouse gases (GHG), thus contributing to climate change. Currently only few GHG emission data from composting facilities are available. The dynamic and diffuse nature of GHG production and emission from different composting systems challenge the quantification of these.

Copyright: © TK Verlag - Fachverlag für Kreislaufwirtschaft
Quelle: Waste Management, Volume 3 (Oktober 2012)
Seiten: 7
Preis: € 0,00
Autor: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Carsten Cuhls
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