The Market of Waste Management Technologies in Central and Eastern Europe until 2020

Many Central and Eastern European countries are under pressure because of their accession to the European Community (EC) and the related demands e.g. to reach the necessary standards of infrastructure especially regarding the environmental sector. Similarly, Eastern European states that are (currently) not willing or prepared to join the EC such as Ukraine or Russia are starting to develop a national waste management infrastructure.

Often the most important challenge is to avoid landfill which currently is the most common way of waste disposal. In the near future, these expansions of the waste market are very likely to lead to high investments in different sectors and sub-markets.

The study The Market of Environmental and Waste Management Technologies in Central and Eastern Europe until 2020 is focussing on ten countries: Austria, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Croatia, Germany, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Russia, and Ukraine. This study sample covers a broad range of more or less developed waste management systems as well as waste management systems of member states of the EC and those not joining the Community and with distinguished legal waste frameworks.

We have taken a closer look at four markets and forecasted their development until 2020:

• Refuse collection vehicles as indicators of the general development of waste management,

• mechanical-biological treatment plants (MBT plants) as indicators for general Treatment of residual waste with cheap technology (compared to incineration),

• exhaust air installations in MBT plants, and

• flue gas cleaning plants in waste incineration plants (WIPs) as an indicator of a higher developed waste management system. (For this essay, MBT plants and exhaust air installations in MBT plants were combined.)

Copyright: © TK Verlag - Fachverlag für Kreislaufwirtschaft
Quelle: Waste Management, Volume 3 (Oktober 2012)
Seiten: 8
Preis: € 0,00
Autor: Dipl.-Kfm. Dirk Briese
Dr. habil. Hilmar Westholm
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