Landfill Mining in the Province of Styria

In times of ongoing shortage of natural ressources and rising energy prices, the raw material po-tential of (waste) landfills are becoming increasingly important. Incentives for "Landfill Mining" are in addition to the extraction of raw materials the avoidance or reduction of landfill aftercare costs or recovery of landfill volume.

While previous landfill mining projects in Austria were primarily located in the area of environmental remediation, the project "Landfill Mining in the Province of Styria" should gain insight into the raw material potential of Styrian landfills. Based on field trials, dismantling concepts and recommendations specifically for the Styrian landfill landscape should be additionally developed. The following objectives of the project can be outlined:
- Identification of the key parameters for a basic landfill mining strategy of Styria,
- Estimation of the resource potential, the technical feasibility and the economic conditions of an operational landfill mining in Styria,
- Identification of implementation concepts under the specific conditions of Styria and
- Formulation of concrete recommendations for future projects as well as a Landfill mining strategy for Styria.

Beside the classical municipal solid waste landfills located in Styria, there was also a bale-landfill identified, caused by the operation of a so called "Müllhygienisierungsanlage" (waste pre-treatment plant) in the years between the 1980ies and 2004. In this municipal waste pretreatment plant, sieved fractions of plastics where pressed into bales and got dumped in separate areas of the landfill. Since the project preparation of "Landfill Mining in the Province of Styria", only a few weeks prior to the editorial deadline of the conference proceedings were available and therefore, only the coarse framework requirements of the project can be addressed in this report.

Copyright: © Lehrstuhl für Abfallverwertungstechnik und Abfallwirtschaft der Montanuniversität Leoben
Quelle: Depotech 2012 (November 2012)
Seiten: 4
Preis: € 2,00
Autor: Dipl.-Ing. Josef Mitterwallner
Hofrat Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Wilhelm Himmel
Univ.-Prof. DI Dr. mont. Roland Pomberger
Dipl.-Ing. Dr. mont. Renato Sarc
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