'Brownfield Sites - New Energies': Feasibility Studies Concerning the Construction of Solar Power Systems on Former Disposal Sites

Bavarian politics defined a heavy increase of renewal energies until the year 2021 in their concept about innovative energies. Solar power systems inhibit an important role within this concept. Thus, solar power systems shall produce about 16 % of the Bavarian energy production until 2021. The construction of solar power systems on former contaminated land sites and disposal sites shall be supported through special measures. Therefore, the support programme 'brownfield sites - new energies" has been created. In a first step a number of potential sites shall be identified. Different projects have been defined on this behalf by the Bavarian State Ministry of the Environment and Public Health (StMUG), where the GAB is in charge of the project management.

The first project (from October 2011 until May 2012), consisted of a feasibility study, where 40 former communal disposal sites, already supervised by GAB through a support program of site investigation and decontamination, have been examined for a future usage for solar energy production. Within this study, universally valid results should be gained regarding requirements and constraints building solar power systems on former disposal sites. Also important was the question how possible requirements might already be approved before the decontamination has taken place in order to plan both, decontamination and construction, at a time, and thus to reduce costs.
In a second project (from December 2011 until August 2012), already decontaminated former disposal sites had been examined. These 40 studies focussed technical questions like the designation of sections of disposal sites for solar power systems, ground foundation engineering, trafficability, and legal questions. Furthermore, the concrete possibilities of realizing solar power systems on these sites, had been viewed, as because of their status as former disposal sites, they are graded as conversional sites in the German Law regarding the preference of renewable energies, which has been much discussed lately. On the basis of a standardized evaluation of economic efficiency together with a technical feasibility for each site, a decision for a construction of a Solar power system on a specific site and the start of the actual construction could be made more quickly.
The results of the single studies are handed over to the communal site owners and institutions. The general results are also presented by the Bavarian State Ministry of the Environment and Public Health (StMUG) and further measures to inform the public about the potential of solar power systems will be taken. Also a support program for the construction of solar power systems on former contaminated land sites and disposal sites has been built.

Copyright: © Lehrstuhl für Abfallverwertungstechnik und Abfallwirtschaft der Montanuniversität Leoben
Quelle: Depotech 2012 (November 2012)
Seiten: 1
Preis: € 0,00
Autor: Dr. Thilo Hauck
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Eckhard Haubrich
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