The influence of Meteorological Parameters on the Leachate Flow in a Landfill

The proper disposal of wastes from different human activities is necessary and requires long-term planning. One of the most frequent waste disposal is tipping and confinement in landfills, which besides its economic advantages provides a good means for minimizing damages to the environment and allows the decomposition of organic waste to stabilize and transform it into an inert material (Renou 2008). However, simply allocate the waste to landfills is not the end of the process of waste management. The waste, after being deposited in a landfill, it begins a de-composition process that has as main products the generation of leachate and landfill gas (Palma 2002).

The direct disposal of untreated municipal solid waste in landfills is widely used in Brazil due to its cost benefit. During their confinement, wastes decompose by generating landfill gas and leachate, the latter generally composed of polluting chemicals, for which costly wastewater treatment facilities are needed. The generation of leachate is attached to the landfill operation for many years. Both the landfill and their associated wastewater treatment plants are influenced by meteorological factors, due to their exposure to atmospheric conditions. In this way, this study conveys the evaluation of the influence of meteorological parameters such as temperature and rainfall, in the leachate generation, using a case study of a landfill in southern Brazil. The evaluation was performed implementing an automated flow monitoring system for the leachate that enters the landfill’s wastewater treatment plant, and collecting hourly data from the meteorological station implemented at the Centro Universitario Univates. As a result, the analysis of the data shows the actual influence of ambient temperature on the leachate gen-eration, as decreases in temperature were accompanied by increases in the leachate flow.

Copyright: © Lehrstuhl für Abfallverwertungstechnik und Abfallwirtschaft der Montanuniversität Leoben
Quelle: Depotech 2012 (November 2012)
Seiten: 4
Preis: € 2,00
Autor: O. Konrad
Fernanda Bastiani
Dr. Alberto Bezama
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