Waste Management 2030 - Four Scenarios and How to Use Them

The Bavarian State Ministry of the Environment and Public Health asked bifa environmental Institute to carry out a scenario analysis of the Bavarian waste management for the year 2030. The results can be transferred to other regions with similar situations. 60 experts from waste management and other fields were integrated in the process. An extensive amount of data was analyzed using software tools.

25 key factors proved to determine the long-term future of the Bavarian waste management.
With these factors four scenarios were developed:
- Policy first: policy as the engine of sustainable management,
- Markets first: markets drive innovation,
- Glocalization: regionalization of the European Community law and
- Sustainability last: politics of the day rather than strategy.
Finally, the influence of the scenarios on waste streams, disposal structures, environmental effects and costs were estimated.
The scenarios can be used in many ways such as the identification of own strategic weak-nesses and strengths or changes in power and interests of other actors. The developed scenario kit can also be used to work out an own specific scenario as a basis for strategy development. Finally it can be used to develop new business strategies in creative workshops.

Copyright: © Lehrstuhl für Abfallverwertungstechnik und Abfallwirtschaft der Montanuniversität Leoben
Quelle: Depotech 2012 (November 2012)
Seiten: 6
Preis: € 3,00
Autor: Dr. Siegfried Kreibe
Dipl.- Ing. Thorsten Pitschke
Dr. habil. Michael Schneider
Otto Bischlager
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