Destinations for the High Calorific Fractions from Mechanical and Mechanical-Biological Treatment

High calorific fractions have the biggest share of the solid output of modern MBT plants. Finding an application for these fractions should be already done before starting to construct an MBT plant. This can be a challenge, especially in countries or regions, where thermal treatment options are unwanted. The paper describes properties of these materials, requirements on material quality and possible destinations. In Germany, SRF is mostly used in power plants, cement works and mono incineration plants. The most critical parameters are chlorine content and calorific value.

High calorific fractions (coarse fractions) have the biggest share of the solid output of modern MBT plants. Finding an application for these fractions should be already done before starting to construct an MBT plant. This can be a challenge, especially in countries or regions, where thermal treatment options are unwanted. Putting the high calorific fractions on a landfill would be wasting precious resources.
The main objective of this paper is to identify the types of industries that can or do accept RDF / SRF (Solid Recovered Fuel) input and to recognize the quality requirements for the SRF.

Copyright: © Arbeitsgemeinschaft Stoffspezifische Abfallbehandlung ASA e.V.
Quelle: 9. Recyclingtage 2012 (September 2012)
Seiten: 10
Preis: € 5,00
Autor: Dr.-Ing. Matthias Kühle-Weidemeier
Alejandra Diaz Mejorada
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