Optimisation of the MBS plant ZAB Nuthe-Spree

Zweckverband Abfallbehandlung Nuthe-Spree (ZAB) has operated a mechanicalbiological stabilisation (MBS) plant for municipal waste in Niederlehme since 2006. The treatment process aims to produce different qualities of RDF using a combination of biological drying and mechanical treatment. The plant has an annual capacity of 150,000 tonnes.

Steps to optimise processes at the MBS plant: 
The biological drying process and exhaust air treatment were optimised by:
• extending the RTO's operating life to approximately nine months by lowering the temperature and exhaust air velocity
• reducing the amount of exhaust air entering the RTO by optimising exhaust air management
• injecting natural gas into the RTO's combustion chamber
• shortening drying time by optimising the start-up phase 
Mechanical treatment was optimised by:
• sorting and marketing various qualities of metals (stainless steel, copper coils, copper cable, mobile phones, hard non-ferrous metals and soft non-ferrous metals, hard Fe and soft Fe, Fe wire, Fe scrap metal and chrome steel scrap)
• removing sand from the secondary fuel
• doubling the service life of wear tools used for post-shredding and pelleting 
Energy consumption was lowered by:
• installing energy management software (EC)
• reducing gas consumption by 70%
• decreasing electricity consumption by approximately 15%

Copyright: © Arbeitsgemeinschaft Stoffspezifische Abfallbehandlung ASA e.V.
Quelle: 9. Recyclingtage 2012 (September 2012)
Seiten: 9
Preis: € 4,50
Autor: Holger Lingk
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