Adapting Waste Fees to Changing Material Flows

Due in particular to increased waste separation, but also to demographic and other developments relating to waste management (e.g. falling quantities of commercial waste, providers of waste management services etc.), the volume of waste being disposed of using the grey residual waste containers is becoming smaller and smaller. Yet in almost all parts of Germany, most of the costs are passed on to the debtor of fees using the 'residual waste bins allocation formulaâ€. If largely unchanging costs are distributed across an ever decreasing scale, this will mean a gradual increase in fee rates, which cannot be expedient.
This problem and potential solutions are discussed in detail in the article.

In the face of continually rising waste management demands and demographic developments, the range of services offered by municipalities as public waste management authorities is becoming ever more diverse. These increased demands and their complexity lead to higher costs for the municipalities, who are required to invest more effort if they are to fulfil their legally prescribed duties.
When calculating waste disposal fees, there was a time when the total cost of disposal would have been largely passed on to users based on a uniform probability measure. In order to cover costs, the citizen must pay fees for using certain services. The German Local Rates Act (KAG) entitles the municipality to levy fees. Various individual state waste disposal laws also require fee models to provide some sort of economic incentive to encourage waste avoidance and recycling. In addition to this, however, the futureproofing of fee models is expected to become the focus of increased attention.

Copyright: © Arbeitsgemeinschaft Stoffspezifische Abfallbehandlung ASA e.V.
Quelle: 9. Recyclingtage 2012 (September 2012)
Seiten: 9
Preis: € 4,50
Autor: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Klaus Gellenbeck
Dipl.-Ing. Kathrin Heuer
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