Role of MBT in removal and mining of landfills

Raw materials and energy will become increasingly shorter. Prices on the international raw material markets did increase immensely. Circles of experts assume that this market situation and development will drastically go on in future. Before this background landfills for household waste must be looked upon as raw material depots on which the secondary raw material potential of our former throwaway society respectively the 'golden waste age†is still unused.

Wastes landfilled on household waste landfills include all material fractions even those which are collected separately nowadays. It has to be respected that the different portions of metal, plastics, organics, electronic scrap did change on account of the waste management frame conditions over time.
Besides raw materials harmful wastes can be also found on landfills for household wastes the removal and disposal of which should be carried out environmentally feasible parallel to the possible utilisation of the landfilled raw materials. This would have the positive effect that punctual environmental burdens could be removed from the landscape and long-term aftercare measures and costs might be omitted.
Practical tests on landfills in Baden-Württemberg (district waste landfill Hechingen) and Hesse (landfill Reiskirchen and landfill Dyckerhoffbruch in Wiesbaden) are testing the idea of Landfill Minings at the Professorship for Waste and Resources Management. Hereby the following questions arise:
1. What is contained where and how in a landfill?
2. How will selected raw material prices develop in future?
3. What requirements must be placed on technical and environmentally feasible realisation?

Copyright: © Arbeitsgemeinschaft Stoffspezifische Abfallbehandlung ASA e.V.
Quelle: 9. Recyclingtage 2012 (September 2012)
Seiten: 12
Preis: € 6,00
Autor: Prof. Dr. habil. Stefan A. Gäth
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Bernhard Gallenkemper
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