Experience with Continuous Dry Digestion Using the Example of the Digestion Plant in Hoppstädten (from the view of the supplier and the operator)

STRABAG Umweltanlagen GmbH improved the concept of the digester environment practice-oriented by planning, construction, commissioning and operational support of many digestion plants with different input materials. The continuous dry digestion is explained in detail with the help of the plant in Hoppstädten. The experiences made are summarized from the view of the supplier and the operator.

Veolia Umweltservice GmbH, Hamburg, is one of the leading waste management companies in Germany and a global leader in the recovered paper sector. It is one of the few service providers to cover all areas of waste management (solid, liquid, commercial, hazardous and non-hazardous waste) throughout Germany. Business activities include marketing of secondary raw materials and all kinds of services ranging from recycling and waste management logistics, pipe and sewer maintenance, building services management and industrial cleaning to street cleaning. Veolia Umweltservice works for private, commercial and industrial customers and also operates on a municipal level. Veolia Umweltservice provides closed cycles for recyclable materials, develops holistic, customer-orientated solutions and stands for responsible, sustainable business practices which benefit the environment. In 2010, Veolia Umweltservice generated sales revenues of € 1.1 billion and employs around 10,000 staff. Veolia Umweltservice operates around 200 service and plant sites in Germany, 60 of which are sorting and recycling plants. As a wholly-owned subsidiary of the French parent group Veolia Environnement, Veolia Umweltservice is part of the world’s market leader for environmental services, which in 2010 generated sales revenues of over € 34.8 billion with around 317,000 employees.
Veolia Umweltservice West GmbH
- is one of the four national companies of Veolia Umweltservice.
- presently implemented another fermentation process in one of our composting plants.
- handled in six plants 150 thousand tons biological waste per year, which one of the plants has a fermentation process.
- One anaerobic plant is located in Hoppstädten-Weiersbach.

Copyright: © Arbeitsgemeinschaft Stoffspezifische Abfallbehandlung ASA e.V.
Quelle: 9. Recyclingtage 2012 (September 2012)
Seiten: 7
Preis: € 3,50
Autor: Dipl.-Ing. Torsten Baumann
Frank Schwarz
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