Recycling and Waste Incineration - Not a Contradiction -

Since the first Waste Avoidance and Management Act of 1986, in Germany waste management has been systematically transformed into a mediator between disposal and supply in the area of raw material and energy. This position is favoured by the compulsion for a safe - that is hygienic, environment- and climate-friendly - handling of waste, on the one hand and by the potential resources that waste contains on the other hand.

Numerous waste management companies, which were active only or mainly in the field of thermal and energetic waste treatment, run also sorting, composting, biogas, wind power, biomass and solar plants. While some energy suppliers took up the energetic waste treatment and recycling in addition to their traditional tasks.
The priorities of the European Framework Directive of Waste of 22.11.2008 are: prevention, preparation for re-use, recycling that means material recovery, other recovery for example energy recovery or backfilling, as well as disposal. Reasonable departures from this hierarchy are possible.
The prevention of waste takes place in the forefront of disposal; it is not a primary task of waste management. However, waste management can send signals that can indicate potentials for prevention. Legislator, economy as well as research and development can react to those indications or take the initiative based on own information. Most impulses come from the legislation.
Decisions on re-use are mainly based on technical and economical parameters. Again, this will be done before waste management companies become active. The potential for re-use is relatively low according to the present findings.
Not until position three - recycling - in the priority list of the European Framework Directive of Waste, waste management companies enter an area, which they can influence effectively.

Copyright: © TK Verlag - Fachverlag für Kreislaufwirtschaft
Quelle: Waste Management, Volume 2 (September 2011)
Seiten: 18
Preis: € 0,00
Autor: Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Dr. h. c. Karl J. Thomé-Kozmiensky
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