Investigation of systems for the detection of third-party impact on high-pressure gas pipelines

Construction activities may cause damage to pipelines and thus present a potential risk to pipeline integrity. Existing organizational measures such as regular pipeline patrols by vehicle or pipeline surveys by plane as well as rules and regulations to be observed by outside companies performing work in a pipeline’s right-of-way help to reduce this risk effectively. Appropriate technical monitoring methods are an additional means to protect pipelines against external influences. Under a comprehensive research project DVGW examined new methods for monitoring high-pressure gas pipelines and preventing third-party impact (TPI). The project focused on the TPI systems available on the market for continuous pipeline monitoring to ensure prompt detection of thirdparty activity. The TPI systems considered most suitable for the purpose were selected and tested in the field. The project also included an evaluation of the systems tested and recommendations for action.

Although high-pressure gas pipelines are usually buried in the ground, they may occasionally sustain accidental damage when groundworks are being carried out in proximity to the pipeline. A variety of protective measures are used to prevent third parties causing damage to high-pressure gas pipelines in the form of gouges or dents, for example. Far fewer instances of damage have occurred within Germany than in Europe as a whole or the USA as a result of the successful deployment of protective measures. A large part of the protective measures, such as marker posts, safety strips or walk-downs, drive-downs and over-fl ights, are used preventively to avoid potential damage. These operations are supplemented by reactive measures such as the inspection methods of intensive measurement or intelligent pigging to search for breaks or ‘holidays’ in the pipeline coating, dents or loss of wall thickness. Technical methods of supervision during ongoing operations can, if suitable, also make a worthwhile contribution to protection from outside infl uences, but are rarely used today. Innovative methods which enhance the protection of the pipeline are of fundamental interest to the pipeline operator. With a view to providing a useful complement to existing protection measures, a study has been made of measurement-based detection methods which directly report serious contact between pipelines and construction machinery and allow a rapid, damage-limiting response to these events. The DVGW investigated additional new opportunities for online monitoring of high-pressure gas pipelines as part of a comprehensive research project headed by E.ON Ruhrgas with six other gas network operations (GASUNIE, WINGAS, EWE, Thyssengas, Erdgas Münster, VNG) and with DMT. Here the focus of the scientifi cally steered investigation was on commercially available TPI (Third Party Impact) systems for the continuous monitoring of pipelines and the immediate detection of impact by third parties. As part of the project, opportunities for monitoring were highlighted and tested under actual conditions. This DVGW project looked at commercially available products for online monitoring according to the following criteria: measuring principle, sensitivity, fi tness for purpose, reliability in service and cost efficiency. The focus was on acoustic as well as electrical methods.

Copyright: © DIV Deutscher Industrieverlag GmbH
Quelle: GWF international 2 2011 (Oktober 2011)
Seiten: 10
Preis: € 10,00
Autor: Prof. Dr. Gerald Linke
Christian Hille
Dennis Bockelmann
Jan Hoffmann
Herbert Stengel
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