Waste Management in 20 years - an outlook

Also in the future we will have a demand of cheap raw material, energy, clean water, safe products and food. Waste management will be connected with these basic needs of a society and even more integrated. On one hand we have to deal with the past. The aftercare of contaminated sites, landfills and the dismantling of products produced 5 or 10 years ago. Houses which are built 20, 50 or 100 years ago with construction material which might be not in use and almost unknown is 20 years. On the other hand we have to handle future problems. What I can see are products with new materials and material combinations which have to be dismantled and recycled.

The precautionary principle originated in the 1930s and taken up by von Moltke in the midst of 1960s (1) known in Germany as the 'Vorsorgeprinzipâ€. It was a long discussion in Germany in the 1970s about the precautionary principle and how to implement in the German legislation. It was implemented in the Clean Air Act, 1976 containing five elements:
· early detections (research needed)
· if impacts could be irreversible, then act before 'proofâ€
· reduce environmental burdens anyway · promoting Clean Production (later: eco-efficiency)
· Encourages convergence around pursuit of both environmental and nonenvironmental (f. ex innovation, competitions, employment) goals.

Copyright: © Institut für Abfall- und Kreislaufwirtschaft - TU Dresden
Quelle: 20 Jahre Abfallwirtschaft, Herstellerverantwortung, Produktpolitik (September 2011)
Seiten: 4
Preis: € 2,00
Autor: Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Dr. h.c. Bernd Bilitewski
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