Influence of Aerobic In-Situ Stabilization of Old Landfills on Leachate Quality and Quantity

Many landfill sites are being closed and converted into the aftercare period in Germany, as a direct consequence of the landfill ban for untreated biologically degradable organic waste that entered into force on 1st June 2005 (EEA Report No 7/2009). Today these landfills are still emitting landfill gas and highly polluted leachate to the environment since they are not equipped with sufficient protection barriers.

 The emissions are caused mainly by anaerobic biodegradation processes which continue for very long time periods. For leachate emissions this period may last for hundreds of years (Reinhardt et al. 2002, Ritzkowski et. al. 2008). To reduce this time period and to minimize the adverse effects of landfill emissions, in-situ aeration and leachate recirculation combination is being applied in Landfill Konstanz- Dorfweiher since April 2010. One of the main objectives in this research project is to enhance leachate quality and to reduce leachate quantity towards a shortened aftercare period. Focusing on the leachate emissions, the process has dependencies on climate, site and waste conditions. Therefore, interactions between the processes and their effects on leachate quality and quantity should be described to implement a new application of in-situ stabilization.

Copyright: © DGAW - Deutsche Gesellschaft für Abfallwirtschaft e.V.
Quelle: 1. Wissenschaftskongress März 2011 - Straubing (Juni 2011)
Seiten: 4
Preis: € 2,00
Autor: M.Sc. Gülsen Öncü
Dr.-Ing. Martin Reiser
o. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Martin Kranert
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