Evaluation of Landfill Methane Emission rates with Tuneable Diode Laser Absorption Spectrometer

Atmospheric methane is one of the most important green house gases due to its high Global Warming Potential. It is estimated that more than 10% of the total anthropogenic methane emission originates from landfills annually (Prather et al., 1995). Meanwhile methane is explosive (lower explosive limit of 4.5% in air). Therefore the need for effective monitoring of methane emissions from landfills is important from both a safety and an environmental point of view.

 According to relevant landfill regulations, detection of landfill methane emissions should be performed twice a year in Germany by means of flame ionization detector (FID) (Reiser et al., 2009), which is the standard landfill emission measuring device until now (Rettenberger, 2004). However, FID has been proved to be not suitable in practice, compared with tuneable diode laser absorption spectrometer (TDLAS) - GasFinder®2.0 system. FID is a point-measuring device, which may underestimate emission rates due to overlooking locations with high concentrations (hot spots), or conversely overestimate due to measuring in area of high concentrations. Meanwhile, the gas sucking mechanism of FID strongly disturbs the natural landfill gas emission on the measuring point. Moreover, FID measurement is very time and labour consuming. In contrast, GasFinder®2.0 system overcomes all the drawbacks by measuring average methane concentrations continuously over an optical path without further interference, which proves itself more appropriate for landfill methane measurements.

Copyright: © DGAW - Deutsche Gesellschaft für Abfallwirtschaft e.V.
Quelle: 1. Wissenschaftskongress März 2011 - Straubing (Juni 2011)
Seiten: 3
Preis: € 1,50
Autor: M.Sc. Han Zhu
Dr.-Ing. Martin Reiser
o. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Martin Kranert
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