Characterization of decentralized biogas technology in China and review of the applicability to other regions in Africa and Latin America

Scarcity of Energy and high pollution from conventional energy are becoming the biggest problem worldwide. On the other hand, untreated organic wastes in many developing countries will cause serious hygienic problems and environmental damage. To ensure a sustainable energy supply and protect the environment and the climate, it is necessary to look for alternate ways of energy source.

Biogas is a mixture of gases with the main component methane (50% - 60%) and carbon dioxide (40% - 60%) and it also contains a small amount of hydrogen, carbon monoxide, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, etc. Biogas is produced in anaerobic digesters by the biological degradation of organic matter like biological waste, sewage sludge, manure, straw or other organic substances in the absence of oxygen, in the fermentation. The process is called 'anaerobic digestion" (AD). Because of the combustible gas methane, biogas can be utilized as energy source by the household for cooking, heating, and lighting, whether in urban or rural area. The digester slurry includes major nutrients and can be used as fertilizer in agricultural production or to feed fish.

Copyright: © DGAW - Deutsche Gesellschaft für Abfallwirtschaft e.V.
Quelle: 1. Wissenschaftskongress März 2011 - Straubing (Juni 2011)
Seiten: 5
Preis: € 2,50
Autor: Dipl.-Ing. Jingjing Huang
Dr.-Ing. Dipl.-Chem. Klaus Fischer
o. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Martin Kranert
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