AERIUS - Smart Metering in gas consumption measurement

Smart Metering will become increasingly important in the domestic segment in the near future - not only due to legal standards - and offer consumers more billing transparency.

Hydrometer, a company that has shaped the market for water meters for over 150 years, is part of the Diehl Metering division set up in 2008. Diehl Metering is dedicated to supplying meters for all kinds of energy and is working intensively on the completion of a new static gas meter. Diehl Gas Metering GmbH in Ansbach, the company set up for this purpose, concentrates the gas metering expertise in the division and is developing the AERIUS G4 meter for households with a maximum flow rate of 6 m³/h. A whole product family is to be created in further development stages in the near future. AERIUS provides a temperature-compensated standard volume independent of pressure changes, which is an innovation in household gas measurement. Normally, gas meters use measuring methods in which the standard volume must fi rst be calculated from the operating volume. However, the microthermal metering principle used by Diehl Gas Metering provides a standard volume that can be multiplied direct by the calorific value for billing. The possibility of integrating the meter into the IZAR system landscape offered by Diehl Metering creates a highly informative network for very accurate metering of heat, water, electricity and gas consumption. Diehl Gas Metering will present the AERIUS gas meter and the IZAR system landscape at the ZMP FNN Congress at NürnbergMesse on 23-24 May 2011.

Copyright: © DIV Deutscher Industrieverlag GmbH
Quelle: GWF gas solutions International (April 2011)
Seiten: 5
Preis: € 5,00
Autor: Dr.-Ing. Christoph Sosna
Dipl.-Phys. Ing. Manfred Schulze
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