The Waste-to-Energy Power Station - The Perfect Location to Build a Fermentation Plant

Synergy effects through fermentation and incineration at the same location.

Since the concept of a separate collection of waste by categories was first thought of in 1983, the protagonists of conventional waste disposal have faced off against their opponents who wanted to recycle materials exclusively.
In the mean time, there are many reasons to abandon these contrary positions and think about synergies between the concepts of thermal and material recycling processes. The latest impulse for this is surely the most recent legal development in the European Union in accordance with national objectives of having a waste management system that is more directed at the protection of the climate and resources.

Copyright: © WtERT Germany GmbH
Quelle: WtERT Annual Meeting Europe 2010 (Oktober 2010)
Seiten: 14
Preis: € 0,00
Autor: Dipl.-Ing.(TU) Werner P. Bauer
Dipl.-Ing. Uwe Athmann
Dipl.-Umwelting. (FH) Thomas Kroner
Gerhard Meier
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Peter Quicker
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