ResourceManager: A material flow model for recycling and waste management

Since the ban on placing untreated waste in landfill sites (Technical Instructions on Municipal Waste) came into force in June 2005, the increasing number of material waste streams in need of coordination has led to increased complexity of the recycling and disposal structures in the waste management and recycling industry, whereby the issues of material and energy efficiency are gaining importance.

An approach to analyzing and optimizing these complex processes is offered in a project currently being undertaken at Bremen University of Applied Sciences in collaboration with partners from the industry itself. Here, as the basis for the development of software applications, a material flow model for the waste management and recycling industry is being developed for the purpose of supporting material waste flow management and thus helping to lay the foundations for better resource and cost efficiency in this industry.

Copyright: © Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Quelle: 2nd International Conference 2009 (Juni 2009)
Seiten: 7
Preis: € 5,00
Autor: Dipl.-Geoökol. Sebastian Wolff
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Henning Albers
Dr. Martin Wittmaier
Dipl.-Ing. Stefanie Langer
H. Lambrecht
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