Vacuum-heat-drying for residual waste and biomasses

First experiments with a bench-scale model had proved the general applicability of vacuum-heat-drying treatment for solid waste. The knowledge gained from this indicated that this treatment may have both, an ecological and economical advantage over biological and atmospheric-physical drying treatment due to shorter treatment periods and lower exit air amounts.

The aim was to research and evaluate the application of vacuum-heat drying to dry solid waste and energy crops with the objective of  stabilisation and RDF production. Therefore experiments with different plants on a bench-scale, pilot plant and industrial scale have been conducted. On a bench-scale level first experiment proved the positive effect of adjusted conditions of heat and negative-pressure on the drying process of municipal solid waste and energy crops (in particular maize silage). These results have been validated in a pilot plant with all technical equipment of an industrial scale plant. In addition to the lab-scale tests energy consumption, the quality of discharged air and the quantity and quality of condensates could have been measured. Those experiments were made as repeated screening tests under specified conditions which have been evaluated referring to the lab-scale tests. According to the experimental results the vacuum-heat-drying treatment can be evaluated as a technology to dry solid waste and energy crops in consideration of energy demand and emissions as well as output quality. Results for all scales of used facilities allude to an energy efficient drying technique as a possible replacement for existing dryers and for new projects to gain RDF-material. As a significant improvement of the vacuum-heat-drying in comparison to biological dying processes the short processing time and the significantly reduced volume of discharged air has to be mentioned.

Copyright: © European Compost Network ECN e.V.
Quelle: Orbit 2008 (Oktober 2008)
Seiten: 13
Preis: € 12,00
Autor: Dipl.-Geoökol. Tobias Bahr
Katarina Ávila
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Klaus Fricke
Dipl.-Ing. Christian Widmer
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