Open windrow composting of gardening non-green waste and household fresh green waste of Lamphun City, Thailand

Lamphun city in northern Thailand is annually faced with serious air pollution problem during winter to summer period due to open burning of agricultural waste and household solid waste. The promising way of attenuating this problem is to educate and convince people to change their habit from making an open burning of biowaste to another practice.

Windrow composting, an appropriate and one of the simplest waste management technology should be introduced as an alternative way to reduce open burning. Therefore, basic research of open windrow composting with 3 different composting conditions including WI (Weekly turning), WII (Weekly turning with adding structural material, bamboo stem pieces of 5-8 cm. diameter x 10 cm. length, 20% by volume) and WIII (without turning with ventilation system of 8 perforated bamboo stem of 10 cm. diameter, at the bottom of composting pile.) was studied. Mixture of non-green waste from gardening and fresh green waste from household solid waste of Lamphun municipality was utilized as an initial composting material in the experiments. Non-green waste combined with fresh green waste at the ratio of 4 to 1 (by volume) were experimented in pyramid shape composting piles of 1.8 m. (width) x 1.8 m. (length) x 1.2 m. (height). From the obtained results, it was found that composting time required from the beginning of process till the end of curing stage of WI, WII and WIII were approximately 64,60 and 45 days, respectively. The total mass reduction of composting materials in the experiments of WI, WII and WIII were 70%, 73% and 59% (by wet weight basis), respectively. Concerning the quality of compost determined in term of nutrient content of N:P:K, it was found that the composts obtained from all experiments were qualified in accordance with the standard of compost recommended by Thai Agriculture Department. Therefore, the open windrow composting of gardening non-green waste with household fresh green waste can be potentially implemented as a proper practice of waste management in a backyard to the local people of the Lamphun city. However, it can be conclusively stated that the presence of bamboo stem pieces as structural material in the composting pile of WII with weekly turning could enhance oxidation of organic matter as there was a slightly difference results which was better than that of WI and then WIII.

Copyright: © European Compost Network ECN e.V.
Quelle: Orbit 2008 (Oktober 2008)
Seiten: 6
Preis: € 5,00
Autor: Ladawan Wattanachira
Prof. Dr. Suraphong Wattanachira
Prof. Dr. Ing. habil. Werner Bidlingmaier
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