Quantification of waste avoidance

Waste is an issue in every country of the world. Wastes are generated by activities in all economic sectors and are generally regarded as an unavoidable by-product of economical activities. Rapid growth of population and industrialization degrades the urban environment and possesses serious stress on natural resources. This in turn undermines equitable and sustainable development. Inefficient management and disposal of solid waste is an obvious cause of degradation of the environment in most cities of the developed and developing world.

The worldwide industrial development in recent decades and the change in consumption patterns of the population make an appreciable increase in the volume of waste. An increasing quantity of products purchased, changing packaging and decrease of using phase of products are influencing the generation of wastes. European actions in the field of waste have mainly taken the form of legislation. Although these actions have prevented the situation from becoming worse than the past, waste generation is still too high and is rising annually. This is mainly because of the increasingly high standard of living. To help reducing the increase of wastes and associated pollutions, new policy ideas and concepts have been investigated and developed in most European Countries. This could result in long-term solutions and help increase resource efficiency. The general scope of this study is to find parameters to measure waste avoidance under social and economical aspects (such as; economic growth, Human Development Index, Gross Domestic Product, Education Index, municipal solid waste generation etc.) in Germany, Austria, France, USA, Turkey and Thailand. Upon intensive investigations on the subject, it is found that the available options don’t better the current situation.

Copyright: © Universität Stuttgart - ISWA
Quelle: TAKAG 2008 - Ä°ZMÄ°R (November 2008)
Seiten: 16
Preis: € 8,00
Autor: Åžebnam Bastan Yilman
o. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Martin Kranert
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